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Over Print bulk Label

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Barcode Technology


Online QR Code

Online VCard

Online Sequence No.

Online SN Barcode


Excel to barcodes

Sequence barcodes

Label Designer

Barcode Size Tester

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Barcode System

Barcode Scanner

Barcode Printer

EAN-13 EAN-8


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XBL Barcode Maker

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What is / How to:

Excel make barcode

Excel Barcode font

Bulk barcodes maker

Multiple barcodes

Sequence barcodes

Barcode system

BarcodeApp Software


Buy UPC codes

Barcode label design

1D / 2D barcode

QR code UPC code

Barcodes for sale

Barcode label paper

Online QR Code 


EAN Check Digit

Sequence No Maker


Online Barcode


Code 25


























QR Code





Interleaved 2of5

Intelligent Mail

MSI Plessey

Data Matrix


Free Bulk Barcode Generator & Label Printing Software

Download CNET      Recommended by CNET      Barcode Tech      Help    File Backup   Net Tester

Free Online Mass Barcode Generator - Barcode Printing Software - Using Excel Data

Bulk Barcode Generator    Mirror Site    EAN    GS1 Sunrise 2027 - GS1 Digital Link - 2D Barcode Generator   

Barcode Data / Number: 

Up to 100 rows, generate one barcode per row

Desktop barcode generator software

does not have this limitation

Tips:   You can first edit the barcode data

in Excel or Word, then copy and

paste it to this text box.

Or Create serial number barcodes

Barcode Type / Format:

   Barcode Type     Make Sequence Barcodes

Barcode Size:

 /  [Width / Height]  

Display Text Under Barcode:

Yes       No

Stretch the Barcode Width:

Yes       No

Font Name / Font Size:


Generate Image / Direct Print:

A4: 2X8 Barcodes / Page, Label Paper: 100 Barcodes

Generate Barcode Images       Print barcode labels directly

Print barcode labels directly onto A4 paper

Page Margins: (Only For Directly Printing)

Left Margin:         Top Margin:  
















































Recommended: Easy-to-use, free barcode label generator software With more Features 

Recommended by CNET:   Best Free Barcode Generator Alternatives for Windows    How to use it


This barcode generator software has three editions:     Free Download


Std Edition:

1. Print simple barcode labels in batches using Excel data.

2. Print barcodes to laser/inkjet printers or professional barcode printers.

3. No need to design labels, just simple settings and you can print labels directly.



Pro Edition:

1. Similar to the std version, but it can print more complex barcode labels.

2. It can be run from the command line to generate barcodes.



Label Designer Edition:

1. Design and batch print complex barcode labels, each label can contain

multiple barcodes, multiple sets of text,patterns and lines.      Free Download

2. Minimize your workload by entering data into worksheets in multiple efficient ways.




1. This software has a permanent free version and a full version.

2. The free version can meet the needs of most users.

3. You can test the functionality of the full version in the free version.

4. We recommend you download the free version first.


Download Free Version Barcode Software


Detailed steps on how to use the software


New version 6.8.19 now available - upgrade now for free     New Features


<>>. BarcodeTech  Application  History  Software  Types  Printer  Scanner  Inventory  Label-Paper  AI-Barcode


<>>. Barcode Types A  BarcodeTypes B  Barcode Types C  Barcode Types D  Barcode Types E  Barcode Types F 


<>>. BarcodeTech2  Application2  History2  Software2  Types2  Printer2  Scanner2  Inventory2  Label-Paper2  AI-Barcode2


<>>. Barcode Types A2  BarcodeTypes B2  Barcode Types C2  Barcode Types D2  Barcode Types E2  Barcode Types F2 


<>>. HowTo  Format  InputData  Print  ImportExcel  ScreenShot  Template  LabelDesign  WordExcel  BarcodeImage


<>>. If you have a barcode but don't know what type it is, use: Online Barcode Type Detector


<>>. If you are designing a label and want to know the most appropriate barcode size, use: Online Barcode Size Tester


<>>. Please Join Our Linkedin Group - Barcode Generator    Articles:   Barcode Generator   Barcode Online


<>>. How to add barcode generation functionality to your website or web-based program.


<>>. FAQ:


<>>. Barcode Cannot be Read   Use Excel Data    Use in Macbook    Export to PDF    Printing Setup     EAN Barcode


<>>. UPC Barcode    Code 128 Barcode    QR Code    MoreFAQ >>                


<>>. Barcode Technology:


<>>. Barcode Maker    Barcode Freeware     Barcode Software     Barcode Generator     Barcode Lookup     Barcode Printer


<>>. Barcode Scanner     Barcode Creator     QR Code     Barcode Reader     Barcode PNG     Barcode Printing                


<>>. QR Code vs Barcode    Software Download     Barcode Label     Barcode For Inventory     


<>>. Online Mobile Version    Barcode History    GTIN Barcodes   


<>>. Barcodes Applied    Barcode Development          


<>>. Other barcode website:  Code-128.com    BarcodeMake.com    BarcodeFreeware.com 


<>>. Data Backup  Compression  Storage Media  Cloud Storage  Data Security  Disaster Recovery  Data Storage


<>>. Network  Internet  Security  Wireless  Emerging Tech  Management  Architecture Case Studies Data Transfer


1. What is a Barcode?

A barcode is a rectangular pattern, which consists of black and white stripes of different widths according to certain encoding rules, and is used to express a set of information - a specific black and white stripe represents a certain character or number.

The purpose of a barcode is: it can be read by a machine. When you scan a barcode with a barcode scanner/reader, it converts the barcode's black and white stripes into characters or numbers and inputs them into a computer or other device (such as a smartphone).

For example: every product in the supermarket has an EAN/UPC barcode printed on its packaging. This EAN/UPC barcode represents a unique 7/11/12 digit code. The code is different for each product. Scan the barcode and transfer the digital code to the computer. The computer system can automatically search for information such as the price of the product and then calculate the amount.

Barcode scanners are generally connected to the computer through USB or PS2 ports. Just like a keyboard, scanning the barcode and inputting the numbers and characters into the computer is equivalent to using the keyboard to input the corresponding numbers and characters.

Barcode is actually a special font, and there are two types: one-dimensional barcode and two-dimensional barcode. One-dimensional barcode represents characters and numbers by changing the width and spacing of parallel lines.

A 2D (two-dimensional) barcode is a graphic image that uses a dot matrix of small black and white squares to represent information. With this structure, a QR code can store up to 7,089 characters, which is much larger than the 20-character capacity of a one-dimensional barcode. QR codes are the most commonly used two-dimensional barcodes.

2D barcodes are also called quick response codes because they enable fast data access. 2D barcodes are often used in conjunction with smartphones. Users simply snap a 2D barcode using the camera on their phone with a barcode reading app installed.

2. Barcode Types & Barcode Printing.

<1> Barcodes are machine readable.

Barcode image can be read by special optical barcode scanner, it also called barcode reader.

Barcode images can be read by specialized optical barcode scanners, which are also known as barcode readers.

Nowadays smartphones with cameras can also read barcodes, they just need to install a barcode scanning app to perform the same job as a barcode scanner.

<2> Barcode types / barcode formats.

There are many barcode types --- EAN-13, Code 39, Code 128, QR Code, etc. More Info...

<3> Barcode printer.

Using common barcode software, you can use professional barcode printers to print barcode labels, but these barcode printers are expensive. If you use our free bulk barcode generator software, you can also choose to use common office inkjet or laser printers to print batches Barcode labels via Excel data.

Our barcode software can support both ordinary printers and professional barcode label printers. 

Our barcode generator software can also support all types of professional barcode printers.

<4> Paper used for printing barcode labels.

You can use professional self-adhesive label paper, or ordinary office A4, b5 paper, etc. Our barcode generator program supports all types of barcode label paper.

<5> An example:

The barcode below stands for "ABCD12345678".

This is a one-dimensional (1D) barcode.

Code 128 generated by our barocde software or online barcode generator. 

Our barcode generator software supports almost all barcode types.

The pattern on the right is a type of two-dimensional barcode - QR Code, which can contain up to 4296 characters or 7089 numbers or images.

QR Code generated by our barocde software or online barcode generator.

<6> Expand:   Barcode History    Barcodes Applied    Barcode Development    News


3. How to make barcodes?

We provides a low cost barcode label printing solution, it has a unique functions:

Use our barcode label printing software, you can use Excel data to batch print barcode labels matrix sheet on A4 paper or Avery label paper with a common laser or inkjet printer, or generate barcode images with png,  emf, bmp format, or output barcodes to Word/Excel.

The effect will be better if the sticky label paper such as Avery label paper are applied.

Our barcode freeware can also support all type of professional barcode label printer, Zebra, Tsc, etc.

Barcode printing setup   How to use barcode software

Use Excel data to print barcodes   Sequence barcode maker

Use our barcode software, print barcode labels to A4 or Avery barcode label paper

A video show how to use our barcode software to make barcode label.

Barcode scanner   Barcode Printer   Export Barcode Images   Barcode label paper


4. Our bar code label design and printing software print bulk      (Use sequential No. or Excel data)

    barcode labels is very simple,  just need 3 steps:       Excel barcode Generator Software     Command Line Barcode Software

Step 1.

Enter the number for generate barcodes, you can bulk

enter barcode data in batch text, sequence, Excel, etc.

Step 1 of our barcode printing software.

Step 2.

**  Specify the barcode's format, such EAN-13,

Code 39, Code 128, ISBN, QR Code, etc.

** Specify the barcode's size.

** Specify how many label print on one page.

Step 2 of our barcode printing software.

Tutorial - How to use this barcode software

Step 3.

Print batch barcode labels sheet.

Step 3 of our barcode printing software.

** Barcode Generator program can print batch various barcodes on one paper, or export to many popular formats graphic files - png, emf, bmp, or copied to the windows clipboard, they can be paste to the shipping label, invoice, etc. or import into desktop publishing software, word processing software or the reports program of the ERP, MIS system.

Barcode Size Test   Barcode Type Detect   Barcode Types   Label Design

With our free barcode generator software, both expensive barcode printer and professional barcode label design software are unnecessary, the barcode labels can be maked with the existing office resources, all you needs just a barcode software.


Download Now - Permanent Free Barcode Maker And Barcode Label Printing Software


6. Our barcode generator software is designed for ordinary people. Anyone can rapidly master it without

    training, the following is the screen shot of the barcode software, just need 3 steps to print barcode

    labels. It has pre-define some barcode label templates for batch barcodes printing to Avery label.

   Standard Edition Barcode Generator Software:

Interface of our barcode software.

*****  This barcode software almost supports all 1D and 2D barcode types, such as EAN-13, Code 128, and QR Code, etc.


Professional Edition Barcode Generator Software:

Use Excel data to print bulk barcode labels - Detail Steps.         How to import data from Excel.

Use Excel data to print bulk barcode labels via our barcode software.


Download Now - Permanent Free Barcode Maker And Barcode Label Printing Software


7. Full version barcode generator software has more convenience on bulk / batch input data.

*****   ES Barcode Generator Software supports large batch of bar code labels' input and print. It requires you to input the contents of the hundreds of thousands of labels at one time, instead of one by one, then, bar code labels are printed with batches. The contents of barcode labels can also be input in Excel in advance, then import to the barcode generator software, and bar code labels are generated and printed with batches. It makes your job more simple and more efficient. The barcode generator software support multiple data input modes.

(1) This barcode program can import Excel data, so you can edit the barcode data in MS Excel.

First input data in Excel, then import to our barcode software to print bulk barcode labels.

(2) Print multiple different barcodes in one page from multiple line text.

Our barocde can enter multiple line texts for barcode printing.

(3) Generate multiple barcode labels of a sequence barcode numbers.

Our barcode software can automatically generate a sequence numbers for print barcode label.

Click here to see the detail information and screen shot of the ES Barcode Generator Software.      Excel Data to Barcodes


8. Print barcode label with Zebra or other professional barcode printer.

Example: Print barcode label with Zebra printer to a 4 X 2.5 " label paper, using our barcode generator software.

1. Choose "Customize Paper", manually enter the paper width and height.
2. Columns = 1, Rows = 1.

Setup our barcode software to print barcode label matrix sheet.


9. Design complex barcode label and print to matrix label sheet (Such Avery label paper).   Detail Steps

You can import Excel data or automatically generate serial numbers or enumeration data to print barcode labels in batches.


Barcode Printing: How to use free barcode software to print barcode label -- 2 ways:

A. Print bulk barcode labels with common laser / inkjet printer to all kinds of label paper.

B. Print Barcode Labels to Professional Barcode Printer: Zebra, TSC, Brother, etc.    Detail Steps

<>>. Free online barcode generator no need to install, the install version free barcode software has more powerful features, it can design complex labels contain

barcodes, texts, logo, etc. and print bulk barcode labels from Excel data.     MS Word format barcode product list and description download

<>>. This barcode generator software is published on Download.cnet.com -- the first software download site, and has the most downloads quantity

in the Inventory software category:      Free-Barcode-Generator-on-download-cnet-com

<>>. This barcode generator software is published on Softonic, you can get reviews and safe download from Softonic:

Click this link to download:     https://free-barcode.en.softonic.com


New Version 6.8.19 Available - Free Upgrade Now     New Barcode Software Features

Supports computer OS that use commas as decimal points.    Vertical printing.    Add ASCII key to barcode: TAB, Enter, etc.   Auto generate sequence number barcodes.   Support all type of barcode & QR Code.   Use Excel data to print bulk barcode labels and make barcode png emf bmp images.  For all professional barcode printer,  Laser / InkJet Printer.   Export to Word Excel for Make Barcode Labels.   Vertical Print Barcode and Text.    Add Multiple Line Texts to Barcode.    Auto Resize to Fit Label Paper.

Detail of this barcode software.        Can run by command line

  Mobile Edition Online Barcode Generator - In India      














QR Code




Code 25











MSI Plessey











Data Matrix

  German version      














QR Code-De




Code 25-De











MSI Plessey-De











Data Matrix-De


The Advantages of using a barcode software system:

If you want to reduce the costs and save time, using barcodes system is a good choice. Whether you are a company or a non-commercial organization, to improve the working efficiency and reduce overhead, barcode system is a valuable and viable option, which is economical and reliable. The costs is also lower -- just need to use our free barcode generator software and a common office use printer.

Using Barcode software system eliminates the possibility of human error. The error rate of manually entering data is significantly higher than that of scan barcodes. Barcode scanning is fast and reliable, and it takes much less time than manual data entry. Especially when using a QR code, hundreds of characters can be read and entered into your system instantly. Our QR code / barcode generator software is ease to use.

Using a barcode software system can make the working process simple and easy, so it can reduces the employee training time. It only takes a few minutes to master the barcode scanner to collecting data, employees no need to familiar with the entire inventory or pricing process. This also reduces the cost of employee training.

The barcode design and printing cost are low. Generally, no matter how they are used or where they are posted, the cost is not high. They can be customized economically, in a variety of finishes and materials. Just use our free version barcode software, you can do lots of thing to enhance your working efficiency.

The barcode system is very versatile, it can be used for any necessary data collection. This may include pricing or inventory information or management information service system. In addition, because barcodes can be affixed to almost any surface, they can be used not only to track the product itself, but also to track the production process, shipments and equipments.

Using barcode system will improve the inventory control is improved, it can track inventory accurately, inventory levels can be reduced it will lower the rate of eavesdropping. The location of the inventory and device can also be tracked, thereby reducing the time it takes to find the inventory and device.

The barcode system provide better data. Because a barcode can store various information such as inventory and pricing, especially when using QR Code, it can store thousands of characters, so the data stored in the barcode can be quickly obtained by the barcode reader, this fast turnaround ensures that time is not wasted on data entry or retrieval. In addition, the barcode can be customized to include other relevant information as needed. They provide fast and reliable data for various applications.

When barcodes are used in management information systems, they can promote better decision-making. Because data is obtained quickly and accurately, you can quickly obtain a full range of information for the entire company or organization, so it is possible to make more informed decisions. Better decisions can ultimately save time and money.

Barcodes are cheap and user-friendly, providing an indispensable tool for tracking data from pricing to inventory. The end result of a comprehensive bar code system is reduced overhead.


<<>>  When you customize a batch of products at the factory, in order to facilitate the customer to identify and trace the products, sometimes we need to put bar code labels with different numbers on each product. In this case, if the bar code label is printed on the roll label paper (as most barcode software do), it will be difficult to find the corresponding numbered bar code label you need to paste to a product, for the barcode labels were rolled together order by number, but the products are not necessarily ordered by their number, our barcode software solves this problem.

<<>>  Our barcode printing software provides a perfect solution: you can print a set of barcode labels onto an A4 paper or Avery label paper, so you can hold a "Barcode labels book", to paste the corresponding numbered bar code to the product, by the page number of the bar code labels book, you can easily find the bar code with the number you need and paste it on the product. This will greatly improve your working efficiency.


Bar code is by far the most economical and practical an automatic identification technology. Bar code symbols as a means of identification can be used alone, can also be associated with the device identification system to achieve automatic identification, and other control equipment can be linked to achieve the automation of the entire system management. At the same time, in the absence of automatic identification equipment, but also to achieve manual keyboard input.

Bar code symbol recognition device is simple in structure, easy to operate, no special training.

Barcodes are easy to make and can be printed, known as "printable computer language".


Download Now - Permanent Free Barcode Generator Software

If you need to over print a bar code label on existing forms, shipping labels, invoices, reports, etc. ES Barcode Generator software can satisfy your requirement, just need a few quick mouse motions to set the print position, you can print barcodes on any existing forms.
You also can print batch various barcodes on one paper, or export to many popular formats graphic files, or copied to the windows clipboard, they can be paste to the shipping label, invoice, etc. or import into desktop publishing software, word processing software or the reports program of the ERP, MIS system, or insert barcodes to MS Word, Excel file and Avery label templates.
Our Barcode Software supports all the most popular bar code types, the barcode data can be import from text or Excel file to print bulk barcode label.
Our Barcode Generator Software gives you the flexibility to meet your most demanding labeling needs, it is a good choice for those who want an easy way to print barcode label.



>> Barcode Since their invention more than 50 years ago, barcode have been enablers for accurate data capture, the rapid movement of goods, and all types of automation. Whether at the Point-of-Sale, in a hospital, or in a manufacturing environment these little black and white images deliver incredible value.

>> There are many different bar code symbologies, or languages. Each symbology has its own rules for encoding characters (e.g., letter, number, punctuation), printing, decoding requirements, and error checking.

>> Barcode symbologies differ both in the way they represent data and in the type of data they can encode: some encode numbers; others encode numbers, letters, and a few punctuation characters; still others offer encodation of the 128 or 256 ASCII character sets. Recently unveiled symbologies include options to encode characters in any language as well as specialized data types.

>> Barcode label in common use are covered by international standards. International standards also cover print quality measurements and equipment.

Bar code technology standards define:

*** Rules for representing data in an optically readable format,

*** Rules and techniques for printing or marking,

*** Reading and decoding techniques,

*** Rules for measuring the quality of printed/marked symbols

***** Customize Barcode Label Program Design Service.

         We provide the customize barcode label program design service,

         for detail information:  Click Here


The history and future of barcoding technology.


Why use barcodes?

Using barcode have many benefits, such as:

Speed: Barcodes make it faster to scan items at a store or track inventory in a warehouse, this greatly improves the work efficiency of store and warehouse staff. The barcode system makes it faster to ship and receive goods, store items in a sensible way, locate them.

Accuracy: Barcodes reduce human errors in entering or recording information, and enables real-time information access and automated data collection whenever and wherever needed. They have an error rate of about one in three million entries.

Cost-effectiveness: Barcodes are cheap to produce and print, and they can save money by improving efficiency and reducing losses. Barcoding systems allow organizations to accurately record the quantity of product remaining, where it is located, and when it needs to be reordered. This avoids waste and reduces the amount of money tied up in excess inventory, resulting in greater cost-efficiency.

Inventory control: Barcodes help organizations track the quantity, location and status of their goods throughout their life cycle, improve the efficiency of warehouse goods entering and exiting the warehouse, and make ordering decisions based on more accurate inventory levels.


What are the advantages and disadvantages of barcodes?

Advantages of barcodes include:

Capture data quickly and accurately, reducing paperwork and the potential for errors.
Reduce labor costs.

To obtain information in a timely manner, you only need to scan the barcode label attached to an item to access its database through the barcode system and obtain relevant information about the item.

Improve production efficiency and productivity.

Reduce employee training time because using a barcoding system is easy and less error-prone.

Improve inventory management and allow managers in the organization to make better decisions.

Disadvantages of barcodes include:

Special equipment is required, such as barcode readers and printers, which may break or require maintenance, which incurs a cost.

Barcode labels are more susceptible to wear and tear, making damaged or illegible barcodes unreadable, which can lead to errors or delays.

Barcodes cannot store large amounts of data because their information storage density is low.

There may be a security risk, the barcode cannot be encrypted and is easily copied or tampered with.


In what industries are barcodes widely used?

Some common barcode application areas are:

Ticket Verification: Movie theaters, event venues, travel tickets, and more use barcode scanners to verify tickets and the admission process.

Food tracking: Some apps allow you to track the food you eat via barcodes.

Inventory management: In retail stores and other places where inventory needs to be tracked, barcodes help record the quantity and location of items.

Convenient checkout: In supermarkets, shops and restaurants, barcodes can quickly calculate the price and total of items.

Games: Some games use barcodes as interactive or creative elements, such as scanning different barcodes to generate game characters or items.


Barcodes for Food Tracking: Apps that track the nutrition facts, calories, protein, and more of the food you eat by scanning barcodes on food labels. These apps can help you log your eating habits, manage your health goals, or understand where your food comes from.

Here are some food tracking apps:

Lose It!: An app to help you lose weight and stay healthy by letting you scan barcodes to log what you eat and provide personalized recommendations and goals.

Cronometer: This is an app that helps you track your micronutrients and biomarkers, it also lets you scan barcodes to log what you eat and provides detailed data and analytics.

Fooducate: An app that helps you understand food ingredients and quality, it lets you scan barcodes to rate and compare different foods, and offers healthy alternatives and recommendations.


What is the future of barcoding?

At present, the application of bar codes has been widely involved in various fields, such as logistics, commerce, medical care, education and so on.

The future development of bar codes may have the following directions:

1. Increase the capacity and information density of the barcode so that it can store more data, such as images, sounds, videos, etc.

The capacity and information density of a barcode refer to the amount of data that a barcode can store and the amount of data per unit area. Different types of barcodes have different capacities and information densities. Generally speaking, the capacity and information density of two-dimensional barcodes are higher than those of one-dimensional barcodes. At present, there are some new barcode technologies, such as color barcode, invisible barcode, three-dimensional barcode, etc. They all try to improve the capacity and information density of barcodes, but they also face some technical and application challenges. Therefore, there is still room and possibility to improve the capacity and information density of barcodes, but continuous innovation and optimization are also required.

2. Enhance the security and anti-counterfeiting of barcodes, and use technologies such as encryption, digital signatures, and watermarks to prevent barcodes from being forged or tampered with. Specifically, there are several ways:

Encryption: Encrypt the data in the barcode so that it can only be decrypted by authorized equipment or personnel to prevent data leakage or malicious modification.

Digital signature: Add a digital signature to the barcode to verify the source and integrity of the barcode and prevent the barcode from being forged or tampered with.

Watermark: Embedding a watermark in a barcode is used to identify the owner or user of the barcode and prevent the barcode from being stolen or copied.

These technologies can improve the security and anti-counterfeiting of barcodes, but also increase the complexity and cost of barcodes, so they need to be selected and designed according to different application scenarios and requirements.

3. Expand the application scenarios and functions of barcodes, and combine technologies such as the Internet of Things, big data, and artificial intelligence to realize the interaction and data exchange between barcodes and smart devices. Specifically, there are several ways:

Scan the barcode: Use the scanner or camera on the smart device to scan the barcode to obtain the data in the barcode, such as product information, coupons, URLs, etc., or perform corresponding operations, such as payment, purchase, sharing, etc.

Generate barcode: Use the application on the smart device to generate a barcode, encode data into a barcode form, such as contact information, location, photo, etc., or generate a specific function barcode, such as WiFi password, Bluetooth connection, etc.

Identify barcodes: Use artificial intelligence technology on smart devices to identify the type and content of barcodes, such as product names, prices, origins, etc., or provide relevant suggestions and services, such as price comparison, evaluation, and recommendations.

These methods can realize the interaction and data exchange between barcodes and smart devices, but they also need to consider the privacy and security of users, as well as the compatibility and stability of networks and devices.


Will barcodes become obsolete?

There are mixed opinions about the future of barcoding.

Some people believe that barcodes will become obsolete due to more advanced technologies, such as RFID and NFC. Some believe barcodes are still useful because they can accommodate high-speed printing systems and multi-color encoding. Others believe that barcodes will be integrated with other technologies, such as Google Glass.

But barcodes will not be eliminated because they have their own unique advantages.

The future of barcoding depends on many factors, such as cost, efficiency, security, compatibility, etc. It is a technology with a history and it has applications in many fields, such as retail, logistics, medical, etc. Barcodes will not be eliminated, but may evolve and innovate alongside other technologies.

For example: RFID has many advantages. It has high security, can store more data, can be read from a long distance, can update and modify data, and can prevent damage and tampering.

But RFID cannot replace barcodes. Because barcodes cost less and have better compatibility.

The disadvantages of RFID are its high cost, the need for specialized equipment and software, the possibility of interference from metals or liquids, and the possibility of privacy and security issues. The disadvantage of barcodes is that the amount of data is limited, they need to be scanned at close range, the data cannot be changed, and they are easily destroyed or imitated.

Although barcodes are less secure than RFID, not all applications require a high degree of security. So a wise choice is to use RFID in applications that require high security, and use barcodes in ordinary applications, because the cost of barcodes is much lower than RFID.

Therefore, RFID and barcodes have their own applicable occasions and cannot be generalized.


What are the alternatives to barcodes?

There are many alternatives to barcodes, such as Bokodes, QR Code, RFID, etc. But they cannot completely replace barcodes, they each have advantages and disadvantages, depending on your needs and scenarios.

1. Bokodes are a type of data label that can store more information than a barcode on the same area. They were developed by a team led by Ramesh Raskar at the MIT Media Lab. Bokodes can be read by any standard digital camera as long as the camera is focused at infinity. Bokodes are only 3mm in diameter, but can be enlarged enough to be sharp enough in the camera. The name Bokodes is a combination of the words bokeh (a photographic term meaning out of focus) and barcode (barcode). Some Bokodes tags can be rewritten. Bokodes that can be rewritten are called bocodes.

Bokodes have some advantages and disadvantages compared to barcodes. The advantage of Bokodes is that they can store more data, can be read from different angles and distances, and can be used in areas such as augmented reality, machine vision, and near-field communications. The disadvantage of Bokodes is that the device that reads Bokodes requires an LED light and a lens, so it costs more and consumes more power. Bokodes labels are also more expensive to produce than barcode labels.

2. QR Code is actually a kind of barcode. It is also called a two-dimensional barcode. They are both a way of storing data, but they have some differences, advantages and disadvantages.

QR Code can store more data, including text, pictures, videos, etc., while barcode can only store numbers or letters.

QR Codes can be scanned from any angle, while barcodes can only be scanned from a certain direction.

QR Code has an error correction function and can be recognized even if it is partially damaged, while barcodes are more susceptible to damage.

QR Code is more suitable for contactless payment, sharing, identification and other scenarios, while barcode is more suitable for the management and tracking of goods.

Theoretically, QR Code can replace all functions of one-dimensional barcodes. However, many applications do not require barcode labels to store large amounts of data. For example, EAN barcode labels for retail products only need to store 8 to 13 numbers, so it do not need to use QR Code. The printing cost of QR Code is also higher than The one-dimensional barcode is slightly taller, so the QR Code will not completely replace the one-dimensional barcode.

3. As mentioned in the above section, RFID will not completely replace bar codes.


Please list some application examples of barcodes.

Barcodes have many applications in factory management, such as:

1. Inventory management: By scanning barcodes on products or raw materials, the quantity, location and status of inventory can be quickly and accurately recorded.

The application of barcodes in factory inventory management has the following aspects:

Receiving: By scanning the barcode on incoming goods, the quantity, type and quality of goods can be quickly and accurately recorded and matched to purchase orders.

Shipping: By scanning the barcode on shipped goods, the quantity, destination and status of goods can be quickly and accurately recorded and matched with sales orders.

Warehouse moving: By scanning barcodes on goods and warehouse locations, you can quickly and accurately record the movement and storage of goods and update inventory information.

Inventory: By scanning the barcodes on goods in the warehouse, you can quickly and accurately check the actual quantity of goods and the system quantity, and find and resolve discrepancies.

Equipment management: By scanning barcodes on equipment or tools, you can quickly and accurately record the use, repair and return of equipment or tools and prevent loss or damage.

2. Production tracking: By scanning the barcode on a work order or batch number, production progress, quality and efficiency can be monitored.
Barcoding systems are an automated tool that can help manufacturers track inventory more efficiently, improve production efficiency, and reduce human errors. Barcodes can be used to track assets, materials and parts during factory production, as well as installation status. Barcoding systems can also monitor the efficiency of production, order fulfillment and distribution processes in real time, improve order and shipment accuracy, and reduce inventory and labor costs.

3. Logistics management: By scanning the barcode on the shipping bill or invoice, the transportation, distribution and delivery of goods can be tracked.
Barcodes have a great impact in logistics management and inventory management. They are an effective identification tool that can help track products and greatly reduce errors. Barcoding can also increase speed, flexibility, accuracy, transparency and cost-effectiveness in logistics processes. Barcode technology has been widely used in the logistics industry, especially in the sale of goods in supermarkets.

4. Quality control: By scanning the barcode on the product or component, the specifications, performance and qualification rate of the product can be checked.

The application of barcodes in factory quality control has the following aspects:

Barcodes can help track the production process and status of products. Using a mobile device to scan barcodes can update and record product information in real time, such as process, time, location, quality inspection results, etc. This can improve the transparency and traceability of production, facilitate managers to supervise and optimize the production process, and also facilitate customers to understand the source and quality of products.
Barcoding can help improve the efficiency and accuracy of quality control. Using barcoding technology, you can reduce human errors, automate data collection and analysis, and provide instant feedback and reporting. This saves labor and time costs and improves the level of quality control and customer satisfaction.

5. Traceability: By scanning the barcode on the product or raw materials, the origin, history and ingredients of the product can be traced.
The application of barcodes in improving factory product traceability:

Barcodes can be used as unique identifiers of products to record and store product-related information, such as raw materials, production date, batch number, quality inspection results, etc.

Barcodes can be scanned quickly and accurately through mobile devices or scanners, updating and transmitting product information in real time, facilitating tracking and monitoring inside and outside the factory.

Barcodes can provide the complete history and status of a product through data analysis and visualization, helping factories optimize production processes, improve product quality, and prevent the circulation of counterfeit or damaged products.


How many types of barcodes are there?

There are many types of barcodes, but the most commonly used ones are the following:

EAN-13 code: Product barcode, universally applicable, supports 0-9 numbers, 13 digits in length, and grooved.

UPC-A code: Product barcode, mainly used in the United States and Canada, supports numbers 0-9, is 12 digits in length, and has grooves.

Code-128 code: Universal barcode, supports numbers, letters and symbols, variable length, no grooves.

QR code: two-dimensional code, supports multiple character sets and encoding formats, has variable length, and has positioning marks.


Why are there so many barcode types?

There are many types of barcodes because they have different uses and characteristics.

For example:

UPC (Universal Product Code) is a barcode used to label retail products, and it can be found in nearly every merchandise and grocery store in the United States.

CODE 39 is a barcode that can encode numbers, letters and some special characters. It is often used in manufacturing, military and medical fields.

ITF (Interleaved Two-Five-Five) is a barcode that can only encode an even number of digits, and it is often used in the field of logistics and transportation.

NW-7 (also known as CODABAR) is a barcode that can encode numbers and four start/stop characters. It is often used in libraries, express delivery and banks.

CODE 128 is a barcode that can encode all 128 ASCII characters, and it is commonly used in areas such as package tracking, e-commerce, and warehouse management.


What kind of organization is GS1?

GS1 is a non-profit international organization that develops and maintains its own barcode standards and corresponding issuing company prefixes. The most well-known of these standards is the barcode, a symbol printed on a product that can be electronically scanned.

GS1 has 116 local member organizations and over 2 million user businesses. Its main office is located in Brussels (Avenue Louise).

GS1 History:

In 1969, the American retail industry was looking for a way to speed up the checkout process in stores. The Ad Hoc Committee on Unified Grocery Product Identification Codes was formed to find solutions.

In 1973, the organization selected the Universal Product Code (UPC) as the first single standard for unique product identification. In 1974, the Uniform Code Committee (UCC) was formed to administer the standard. On June 26, 1974, a pack of Wrigley's gum became the first product with a barcode that could be scanned in stores.

In 1976, the original 12-digit code was expanded to 13 digits, allowing the identification system to be used outside the United States. In 1977, the European Article Numbering Association (EAN) was established in Brussels with founding members from 12 countries.

In 1990, EAN and UCC signed a global cooperation agreement and expanded its overall business to 45 countries. In 1999, EAN and UCC established the Auto-ID Center to develop the Electronic Product Code (EPC) to enable the GS1 standard for RFID.

In 2004, EAN and UCC launched the Global Data Synchronization Network (GDSN), a global Internet-based initiative that enables trading partners to efficiently exchange product master data.

By 2005, the organization was operating in more than 90 countries and began using the GS1 name worldwide. Although "GS1" is not an acronym, it refers to an organization that provides a global system of standards.

In August 2018, the GS1 Web URI structure standard was approved, allowing unique IDs to be added to products by storing URIs (webpage-like addresses) as QR codes.


What are EAN, UCC and GS1?

EAN, UCC and GS1 are all commodity coding organizations.

EAN is the European Article Numbering Association, UCC is the United States Uniform Code Committee, and GS1 is the Global Article Numbering Organization. It is the new name after the merger of EAN and UCC.

Both EAN and UCC have developed a set of standards for using digital codes to identify goods, services, assets and locations. These codes can be represented by barcode symbols to facilitate electronic reading required for business processes. GS1-128 barcode is the new name of UCC/EAN-128 barcode. It is a subset of the Code 128 character set and complies with the international standard of GS1. UPC and EAN are both commodity codes in the GS1 system. UPC is mainly used in the United States and Canada, and EAN is mainly used in other countries and regions, but they can be converted to each other.


The 4 most commonly used barcode types:    EAN-13        UPC-A        Code 128        QR Code

EAN Barcode

EAN, short for European Article Number, is a barcode protocol and standard used in supermarkets and other retail industries.

EAN-13 is established based on the UPC-A standard established by the United States to meet the needs of international applications.

EAN-13 consists of a prefix code, manufacturer identification code, product item code and check code, with a total of 13 digits. Its encoding follows the principle of uniqueness and can ensure that it is not repeated worldwide.

The EAN-13 barcode standard was formulated by the International Commodity Barcode Association. It is a world-wide commodity barcode system that is designed to facilitate the identification and circulation of commodities. The EAN-13 barcode standard specifies the barcode structure, encoding method, printing requirements, etc.

There are four types of EAN barcodes:

EAN-13: The original 13-digit format, suitable for countries around the world except the United States and Canada, which use UPC barcodes.

EAN-8: 8-bit compressed version suitable for small products.

EAN-5: A 5-digit extension appended to the EAN-13 or UPC-A barcode to indicate currency and price.

EAN-2: A 2-digit extension appended to the end of the EAN-13 or UPC-A barcode to indicate the issue number of magazines and newspapers.


UPC Barcode

The UPC-A barcode is a barcode symbol used to track items in stores and is only used in the United States and Canada. It consists of 12 digits and each product has a unique code.

It was formulated by the United States Uniform Code Council (now is GS1-US) in 1973, jointly developed with IBM, and has been in use since 1974.

It was the first barcode system used in supermarket checkout, and the first item marked with a UPC-A barcode was scanned at the checkout counter at Troy Marsh Supermarket.

The reason why UPC-A barcodes are used in supermarkets is that it can quickly, accurately and conveniently identify product information, such as price, inventory, sales volume, etc.

The UPC-A barcode consists of 12 digits, of which the first 6 digits represent the manufacturer code, the last 5 digits represent the product code, and the last digit is the check digit. In this way, as long as we scan the barcode at the supermarket checkout counter, we can quickly obtain the product price and inventory information, which greatly improves the work efficiency of supermarket salespeople.

What is the difference between EAN-13 barcode and UPC-A?

The EAN-13 barcode is developed by the International Article Numbering Center and is universally used. The code length is 13 digits, and the first two digits represent the country or region code.

The UPC-A barcode is produced by the GS1-US and is mainly used in the United States and Canada. The code length is 12 digits.

The EAN-13 barcode and UPC-A barcode have the same structure and verification method, and both have grooves. EAN-13 barcode is a superset of UPC-A barcode and is compatible with UPC-A barcode.

The EAN-13 barcode has one more country/region code than the UPC-A barcode. The EAN Architecture includes Country Codes from around the World. There is no Country Code included in the U.P.C. The U.P.C. was developed to be different from the U.P.C., based on the Prefix Number. An EAN allows for a four digit Company Prefix; where a U.P.C. allows for a six digit Company Prefix. (Side Note - there are variable Length Prefixes in the U.P.C., but NOT in the EAN).

A Hybrid Version of the EAN is used for Books - the EAN Bookland Code. It begins with 978, is followed by the first nine digits of the ISBN, and then Check Digit.

How to convert UPC-A to EAN-13 barcode?

UPC-A barcodes can be converted to EAN-13 barcodes by adding a leading 0.

For example, the UPC-A barcode 012345678905 corresponds to the EAN-13 barcode 0012345678905.

There are two types of UPC barcodes: standard codes and shortened codes.

The standard code (UPC-A) contains 1 digit system character, 5 digits manufacturer code, 5 digits product code and 1 digit check code.

The shortened code (UPC-E) is the result of removing or compressing some numbers in the standard code and can only represent 8 digits.


Code 128 Barcode

The Code 128 barcode was developed by COMPUTER IDENTICS in 1981. It is a variable-length, continuous alphanumeric barcode. It can encode all 128 ASCII characters.

Code 128 barcode consists of a blank area, a start mark, a data area, a check character and a terminator. It has three subsets, namely A, B and C, which can represent different character sets. It can also achieve multi-level encoding through the selection of starting characters, code set characters, and conversion characters.

It can encode all 128 ASCII characters, including numbers, letters, symbols and control characters, so it can represent all characters on the computer keyboard.

It enables high-density and efficient data representation through multi-level encoding and can be used for automatic identification in any management system.

It is compatible with the EAN/UCC system and is used to represent the information of the storage and transportation unit or logistics unit of the commodity. In this case, it is called GS1-128.

Code128 is a high-density barcode.

By using three versions of character sets (A, B, C) and selection of start characters, code set characters, and conversion characters, the most optimal barcode can be selected according to different data types and lengths. Appropriate encoding method. This can reduce the length of the barcode and improve coding efficiency.

In addition, Code128 also uses check characters and terminators, which can increase the reliability of barcodes and prevent misreading or missed reading.

There are three subsets of Code 128 barcodes

Namely A code, B code and C code. Code 128 barcodes can represent 128 ASCII values by switching different subsets, and there is no theoretical limit to the code length.

Code 128 A code: can encode uppercase letters and control characters (such as TAB, CR/LF, etc.), but cannot encode lowercase letters.

Code 128 B code: can encode upper and lower case letters, but cannot encode control characters.

Code 128 C code: can only encode numbers 0-9, and each two numbers are represented by a barcode symbol. It is the most compact code set.


QR Code

QR Code was invented in 1994 by a team led by Masahiro Harada of the Japanese company Denso Wave, based on its original use for marking car parts. It is a two-dimensional matrix barcode that can be used for a variety of purposes.

Later, the encoding and decoding rules of QR Code were formulated into multiple international standards, such as AIM International, JIS X 0510 and ISO/IEC 18004:2015.

The reason why QR Code is used instead of one-dimensional barcode in some situations is that QR Code has the following advantages:

QR Code can store more information because it uses a two-dimensional square matrix instead of one-dimensional lines. One-dimensional barcodes usually only store a few dozen characters, while QR Codes can store thousands of characters.

QR Code can represent more data types, such as numbers, letters, binary, Chinese characters, etc. One-dimensional barcodes usually can only represent numbers or letters.

QR Code can be scanned and recognized faster because it has four positioning marks and can be scanned from any angle. One-dimensional barcodes usually need to be scanned from a specific direction.

QR Code is more resistant to damage and interference because it has error correction capabilities that can recover partially lost or obscured data. One-dimensional barcodes generally do not have such functionality.

The difference between QR code and one-dimensional barcode:

Mainly lies in the encoding method and information capacity. QR codes use a two-dimensional square matrix, which can store more information and represent more data types. One-dimensional barcodes use one-dimensional lines, which can only store a small amount of information and can only represent numbers or letters. There are other differences between QR codes and one-dimensional barcodes, such as scanning speed, error correction capabilities, compatibility, etc.

Why are QR codes faster to scan?

The reason why QR codes scan faster is that they can express information in both the horizontal and vertical directions, while one-dimensional codes can only express information in the horizontal direction. QR codes also have some special geometric patterns, such as positioning patterns, alignment patterns and correction patterns, which can help the scanner quickly identify the position and direction of the QR code. QR codes also have certain error correction capabilities. Even if part of the QR code is blocked or damaged, the data can still be recovered.

QR Code is not the only two-dimensional barcode

According to principles, QR codes can be divided into two categories: matrix type and stacked type.

Common types of QR codes include: Data Matrix, MaxiCode, Aztec, QR Code, PDF417, Vericode, Ultracode, Code 49, Code 16K, etc.

They have different applications in different fields.

Why does mobile payment use QR Code?

The reasons are as follows:

QR Code can quickly and easily transmit payment information without entering a card number or password.

QR Code can reduce the risks of contact payments and improve payment security and hygiene.

QR Code can save the cost of payment terminals and is suitable for merchants of various scenarios and sizes.

QR Code can support a variety of payment methods, such as bank cards, e-wallets, third-party payment platforms, etc.


Those Important Inventions: The Story Behind the Barcode


As early as the 1940s, two engineers from the United States, Joe Wood Land and Berny Silver, began to study the codes composed of certain patterns to represent the names of food sold in stores, and at the same time developed corresponding equipment for automatically recognizing such pattern codes. In 1949 Obtained a U.S. patent.... >>> Barcode History


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