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Barcode hi eng historical origin nge ni? | Kum 1966 khan National Association of Food Chains (NAFC) chuan bar code chu product identification standard atan an hmang a. Kum 1970 khan IBM chuan Universal Product Code (UPC) an siam a, tun thlengin an la hmang nasa hle. Kum 1974 khan UPC barcode nei hmasa ber: Wrigley gum pack khat chu Ohio supermarket-ah scan a ni. Kum 1981 khan International Organization for Standardization (ISO) chuan Code39 chu alphanumeric barcode standard hmasa ber atan a pawm a. Kum 1994 khan Japan rama Denso Wave Company chuan QR-Code an siam a, hei hi 2D barcode niin thu belhchian dawl zawk dahkhawmna a ni. | barcode hman dan entirnan | Barcode App for Food Tracking: I ei tur label-a barcode scan-a nutritional content, calorie, protein leh information dangte record thei application te hian i ei leh in dan, Manage te record turin a pui thei che a ni i hrisêlna thiltumte, a nih loh leh i chaw chu khawi aṭanga lo chhuak nge tih zir rawh. Transportation leh Logistics: Order leh distribution code, product warehousing management, logistics control system, international aviation system-a ticket sequence number atan hman thin Barcode hi logistics leh transportation industry-a order leh distribution-ah hman a ni thei used to string Line Shipping Container Codes (SSCC) te hi supply chain chhunga container leh pallet te hriatchhuah leh track turin encode a ni bawk. Internal supply chain: enterprise chhunga enkawlna, production process, logistics control system, ordering leh distribution code te Barcode hian information hrang hrang a dahkhawm thei a, chu chu item number, batch, quantities, weights, date, etc. te hi a ni information can Company chhunga supply chain enkawlna tha leh dik zawk tihchangtlun nan tracking, sorting, inventory, quality control, etc. atan hman a ni. Logistics tracking: Barcode hi logistics tracking-ah hman a ni nasa hle leh warehouse chhuahsan te chu logistics management dik leh tangkai zawka kalpui theih nan distribution, inventory leh logistics information dangte automatic identification leh recording te a ni. Production line process: Barcode hi factory production line process management atan hman theih a ni a, hei hian production efficiency leh quality tihsan nan Barcode hian product number, batch, specification, quantities, date leh information dangte a hriat theih a, hei hian production process chhunga traceability a awlsam phah thei a ni .Inspection, statistics leh operation dangte pawh Barcode te hi system dang, ERP, MES, WMS, etc. te nen pawh inzawmkhawm theih a ni a, chu chuan data automatic collection leh transmission a tihlawhtling thei a ni. | Logistics management-a barcode hman dan | Bungraw thawn chhuah, sem chhuah leh thawn chhuah dan chu shipping bill emaw invoice-a barcode awm chu scan-in a zawn theih a ni. Barcode hian logistics management leh inventory management-ah nghawng lian tak a nei a, product track-na atana puitu leh tihsual nasa taka tihtlem theitu identification tool tha tak a ni. Barcoding hian logistics process-ah speed, flexibility, accuracy, transparency leh cost-effectiveness a tichangtlung thei bawk. Barcode technology hi logistics industry-ah hman a ni nasa hle a, a bik takin supermarket-a thil zawrhnaah hian hman a ni nasa hle. | Barcode aiah eng nge tih theih? | Barcode aiah hian kawng dang tam tak a awm a, chu chu Bokodes, QR-Code, RFID, etc. Mahse barcode hi an thlak kim thei lo. Bokode hi hmun khata barcode aiin information tam zawk dahkhawm thei data tag a ni a, MIT Media Lab-a Ramesh Raskar kaihhruai team-in an siam a ni Bokodes hi standard digital camera eng pawhin a la thei To read,. simply focus the camera at infinity Bokodes hi 3 mm chauh diameter a ni a, mahse camera chhungah chuan a chiang tawk a tihpun theih a ni thumal inzawmkhawm (combination of words) Bokodes tag thenkhat chu ziah thar theih a ni a, Bokodes ziah thar theih te chu bocodes an ti bawk. Bokode hian barcode nena khaikhin chuan thatna leh that lohna engemaw zat a nei a communications leh field dangte Bokodes that lohna chu Bokodes chhiar tur hian LED light leh lens a mamawh a, chuvangin a man a to zawk a, power a hmang tam zawk bawk. QR-Code hi a takah chuan barcode chi khat a ni a, 2D barcode an ti bawk. text, thlalak, video, etc. te pawh a huam tel a, barcode-ah chuan number emaw letter emaw chauh dah theih a ni a, QR-Code erawh chu angle atanga scan theih a ni a, QR-Code hian error correction function a nei a, even a then a chhiat chuan hriat theih a ni a, barcode erawh a chhiat awlsam zawk thung. Theory-ah chuan QR-Code hian one-dimensional barcode-a function zawng zawng a thlak thei a, mahse application tam takah chuan data tam tak dahna tur barcode label a ngai lo Entirnan, retail goods-a EAN barcode label-ah chuan dahkhawm chauh a ngai 8 atanga 13 Number chauh a nih avangin QR-Code hman a ngai lo. | Barcode chi hman tam ber | EAN-13 code: product barcode, universal, digit 0-9 support thei, digit 13 sei, grooved. UPC-A code: product barcode, United States leh Canada-a hman ber a ni a, number 0-9 a support a, digit 12 a sei a, groove a nei bawk. Code-128 code: Universal barcode, number, letter leh symbol te a support a, a sei zawng pawh a danglam thei a, grooves a awm lo. QR-Code: 2D barcode, character set leh encoding format tam tak a support a, a sei zawng pawh a danglam thei a, positioning mark a nei bawk. | Nakin lawka barcode siam chhuah dan | Barcode te hian data tam zawk an dah theih nan capacity leh information density tihpun, image, sound, video, etc. Barcode-te capacity leh information density hian barcode-in data a dahkhawm theih zat leh unit area khata data awm zat a kawk a, Barcode chi hrang hrangte hian capacity leh information density hrang hrang an nei a 2D barcode-a information density Information density hi one-dimensional barcode aiin a sang zawk a ni. Tun dinhmunah chuan barcode technology thar thenkhat a awm a, chungte chu color barcode, hmuh theih loh barcode, three-dimensional barcode, etc. te hi an tum vek a, barcode te capacity leh information density tihpun an tum a, mahse technical leh application challenges. Chuvangin barcode-te capacity leh information density tihchangtlun theihna tur hmun leh awm theihna a la awm a, mahse thil thar leh tihchangtlun zel a ngai bawk. Barcode venhimna leh anti-counterfeiting tihchangtlun, encryption, digital signatures, watermark leh technology dang hmanga barcode siam loh emaw tihdanglam emaw loh nan kawng hrang hrang a awm: Encryption: Barcode chhunga data awm chu data leak emaw, malicious modification emaw ven nan authorized equipment emaw personnel emaw chauhin an decrypt theih nan encrypt rawh. Digital signature: Barcode-ah digital signature dah la, barcode source leh integrity verify turin barcode forged emaw tampered emaw a nih loh nan. Watermark: Barcode ruk emaw copy emaw a nih loh nan barcode neitu emaw hmangtu emaw hriat theihna turin barcode-ah watermark embed. Heng technology te hian barcode security leh anti-counterfeiting a tichangtlung thei a, mahse barcode te hi a buaithlakna leh a man pawh a tipung dawn a, chuvangin application scenario leh mamawh hrang hrang a zirin thlan leh design a ngai a ni. | Barcode hman hlawkna | Speed: Barcode hian dawr chhunga thil awmte chu rang zawkin a scan thei a, warehouse-a inventory a track thei bawk a, chu chuan store leh warehouse-a thawktute hnathawh thatna nasa takin a tisang thei a, Barcode system hian thil dahkhawmna leh hmun remchang takah thil a thawn chhuak thei a, a dawng thei bawk thil. A dikna: Barcode hian information a luh emaw, record emaw a mihring tihsual a tihtlem a, error rate chu maktaduai 3 zinga 1 vel a ni a, engtik lai pawhin, khawi hmunah pawh real-time information access leh automated data collection a siam thei bawk. Cost Effectiveness: Barcode hi siam leh print man tlawm tak a ni a, efficiency tihpun leh hlohna tihtlem hmangin sum a humhim thei bawk Barcoding system hian organization te chu product la awm zat, a awmna hmun leh reordering a ngaih hun te dik takin a record thei a, chu chu Hei hian hmanralna a pumpelh thei a, inventory tam lutuka sum inbun zat pawh a tihtlem thei a, chu chuan sum senso a ti sang thei a ni. Inventory control: Barcode hian pawl hrang hrangte chu an dam chhung zawnga thil awm zat, awmna hmun leh dinhmun te enfiah turin a pui a, warehouse chhunga bungrua luh leh chhuah dan tur a tichangtlung a, inventory information dik zawk hmanga order chungchanga thutlukna siam turin a pui bawk. Hman awlsam: Hnathawktute training hun tihtlem, a chhan chu barcode system hman hi a awlsam a, tihsual a awm lo bawk item information nena inzawm thu hriat tur. | Production management-a barcode hman dan | Production hmasawnna, quality leh efficiency te chu work order emaw batch number emaw a barcode scan hmangin a enfiah theih a ni. Barcode system hi automated tool a ni a, thil siamtute chu inventory te uluk zawka track theih a ni a, production efficiency a ti tha thei a, mihring tihsual a ti tlem thei bawk. Bar code hmang hian factory-a siam chhuah laiin assets, materials leh parts, leh installations te track theih a ni. Barcode system hian production, order tihhlawhtlin leh distribution process te chu real time-in a enfiah thei bawk a, order leh shipment dikna a tichangtlung thei a, inventory leh labor cost a tihhniam thei bawk. | Barcode hmanna hmun tlanglawn thenkhat | Ticket Verification: Cinema, event neihna hmun, travel ticket, etc. te hian barcode scanner hmangin ticket leh admission process te an enfiah thin. Food Tracking: App thenkhatah chuan i ei tur chu barcode hmangin i track thei a. Inventory Management: Retail store leh hmun dangah inventory track ngaina hmunah te barcode hian thil awm zat leh awmna hmun record a pui thin. Checkout awlsam: Supermarket, dawr leh restaurant-ah te chuan barcode hmangin rang takin thil man leh a zawng zawng a chhut thei a ni. Game: Game thenkhatah chuan barcode hi interactive emaw creative element emaw atan an hmang a, chu chu barcode hrang hrang scan-in character emaw item emaw siam a ni. | barcode hman dan entirnan | Barcode App for Food Tracking: I ei tur label-a barcode scan-a nutritional content, calorie, protein leh information dangte record thei application te hian i ei leh in dan, Manage te record turin a pui thei che a ni i hrisêlna thiltumte, a nih loh leh i chaw chu khawi aṭanga lo chhuak nge tih zir rawh. Transportation leh Logistics: Order leh distribution code, product warehousing management, logistics control system, international aviation system-a ticket sequence number atan hman thin Barcode hi logistics leh transportation industry-a order leh distribution-ah hman a ni thei used to string Line Shipping Container Codes (SSCC) te hi supply chain chhunga container leh pallet te hriatchhuah leh track turin encode a ni bawk. Internal supply chain: enterprise chhunga enkawlna, production process, logistics control system, ordering leh distribution code te Barcode hian information hrang hrang a dahkhawm thei a, chu chu item number, batch, quantities, weights, date, etc. te hi a ni information can Company chhunga supply chain enkawlna tha leh dik zawk tihchangtlun nan tracking, sorting, inventory, quality control, etc. atan hman a ni. Logistics tracking: Barcode hi logistics tracking-ah hman a ni nasa hle leh warehouse chhuahsan te chu logistics management dik leh tangkai zawka kalpui theih nan distribution, inventory leh logistics information dangte automatic identification leh recording te a ni. Production line process: Barcode hi factory production line process management atan hman theih a ni a, hei hian production efficiency leh quality tihsan nan Barcode hian product number, batch, specification, quantities, date leh information dangte a hriat theih a, hei hian production process chhunga traceability a awlsam phah thei a ni .Inspection, statistics leh operation dangte pawh Barcode te hi system dang, ERP, MES, WMS, etc. te nen pawh inzawmkhawm theih a ni a, chu chuan data automatic collection leh transmission a tihlawhtling thei a ni. | Inventory enkawlna atana barcode hman dan | Goods Receipt: Thil dawng tawhte barcode scan hian thil awm zat, chi leh quality chu rang tak leh dik takin record theih a ni a, purchase order nen a inmil thei bawk. Shipping: Thil chhuak tur barcode scan hian thil awm zat, a kalna tur leh a dinhmun chu rang tak leh dik takin record theih a ni a, sales order nen pawh a inmil thei bawk. Move warehouse: Bungrua leh warehouse awmna hmuna barcode te scan hian rang tak leh dik takin bungrua kal leh dahkhawm dan i record thei a, inventory information pawh i update thei bawk. Inventory: Warehouse chhunga bungrua chunga barcode awmte scan hian rang tak leh dik takin thil awm zat tak tak leh system quantity chu i check thei a, a inmil lohna te chu i hmu thei a, i chinfel thei bawk. Equipment Management: Thil hmanrua emaw hmanrua emaw chunga barcode scan hian hmanrua emaw hmanrua emaw hman dan, siamthat dan leh rawn kir leh dan chu rang tak leh dik takin record theih a ni a, hloh emaw chhiatna emaw pawh a veng thei bawk. | Eng pawl nge EAN, UCC, leh GS1? | EAN, UCC leh GS1 te hi commodity coding organization an ni vek a. EAN hi European Commodity Numbering Association a ni a, UCC hi United States Uniform Code Committee a ni a, GS1 hi Global Commodity Coding Organization a ni a, EAN leh UCC inzawmkhawm hnua hming thar a ni. EAN leh UCC te hian thil, service, assets leh hmun hriat theihna tur standard set an siam a, chu chu numerical code hmanga siam a ni. GS1-128 barcode hi UCC/EAN-128 barcode hming thar a ni a, hei hi Code-128 character set subset a ni a, international standard GS1 nen a inmil a ni. UPC leh EAN te hi GS1 system-ah hian commodity code an ni vek a, UPC hi United States leh Canada-ah hman a ni ber a, EAN hi ram dang leh bial dangah hman a ni ber a, mahse an inthlak danglam thei a ni. | GS1 hi eng ang pawl nge ni? | GS1 hi non-profit international organization a ni a, mahni barcode standard leh corresponding issuing company prefix siam leh enkawltu a ni a, heng standard zinga lar ber chu barcode a ni a, chu chu product pakhata barcode print a ni a, a ni thei electronic hmanga Scanned chhinchhiahnate. GS1 hian tualchhung member pawl 116 leh user company maktaduai 2 chuang a nei a, a office lian ber chu Brussels (Avenue Louise)-ah a awm a ni. GS1 chanchin: Kum 1969 khan U.S. retail industry chuan dawr checkout process chak zawka kalpui dan tur an zawng a, hei hi a chinfel dan tur zawng turin Ad Hoc Committee on Uniform Grocery Product Identification Codes din a ni. Kum 1973 khan he pawl hian Universal Product Code (UPC) chu unique product identification atana standard pakhat hmasa ber atan a thlang a, kum 1974 khan June 26, 1974 khan Uniform Codes Committee (UCC) din a ni , Wrigley gum pack khat chu dawr hrang hranga scan theih tur barcode nei product hmasa ber a ni ta a ni. Kum 1976 khan digit 12 nei code hmasa ber chu digit 13-ah tihzauh a ni a, hei hian identification system chu United States pawnah hman theih a ni a, kum 1977 khan Brussels-ah European Article Numbering Association (EAN) din a ni a, chu chu ram 12 atanga dintu member te an ni. Kum 1990 khan EAN leh UCC chuan khawvel pum huapa thawhhona thuthlung an ziak a, an sumdawnna zawng zawng chu ram 45-ah an tizau a, kum 1999 khan EAN leh UCC chuan Electronic Product Code (EPC) siamna tur Auto-ID Center an din a, Enabling GS1 standards an siam a ni RFID atan. Kum 2004 khan EAN leh UCC chuan Global Data Synchronization Network (GDSN) an din a, hei hi khawvel pum huapa Internet hmanga hmalakna a ni a, hei hian sumdawnna lama thawhpui te chu product master data tha taka an inthleng theih nan a pui a ni. Kum 2005 khan he pawl hian ram 90 chuangah hna a thawk a, khawvel pumah GS1 hming hi a hmang tan a, mahse (GS1) hi a tawi zawng ni lo mahse, khawvel pum huap standards system pe thin pawl a ni. August 2018 khan GS1 Web URI structure standard chu pawm a ni a, URI (webpage ang chi address) te chu QR-Code anga dah theih a ni a, a chhunga thil awmte chu product ID danglam bik a awm a ni. | Engvangin nge barcode chi hrang hrang a awm? | Barcode chi hrang hrang a awm a, a chhan chu hman dan leh mizia hrang hrang a neih vang a ni. Entirnan, UPC (Universal Product Code) hi retail product label nana hman tur barcode a ni a, thil hralh zawng zawng deuhthaw ah leh United States-a grocery store-ah te hmuh tur a awm. CODE 39 hi barcode a ni a, number, letter leh special character thenkhat encode thei a ni. ITF (Interleaved Two-Five Code) hi barcode a ni a, digit even number chauh encode theih a ni. NW-7 (CODABAR tia hriat bawk) hi barcode a ni a, number leh start/end character pali a encode thei a, library, express delivery, bank, etc.-ah te hman a ni. Code-128 hi barcode a ni a, ASCII character 128 te chu encode vek thei a ni. | EAN-13 barcode chungchang | EAN-13 hi European Article Number tih tawi a ni a, supermarket leh retail industry dang danga hman thin barcode protocol leh standard a ni. EAN-13 hi United States-in a siam UPC-A standard hmanga din a ni a, EAN-13 barcode hian mamawh phuhruk nan UPC-A barcode aiin ram/region code pakhat a nei tam zawk a ni of international applications .UPC-A barcode hi dawr hrang hranga thil awmte zawn chhuahna atana hman thin a ni since 1974. It Supermarket-a product settlement atana barcode system hman hmasak ber a ni. EAN-13 hi prefix code, manufacturer identification code, product item code leh check code atanga siam a ni a, a vaiin digit 13 a awm a, a encoding hian uniqueness principle a zawm a, khawvel pumah a repeat loh nan a enkawl thei bawk. EAN International, EAN tia sawi hi kum 1977-a din, hlawkna nei lo international organization a ni a, a headquarters chu Brussels, Belgium-ah a awm a, a tum ber chu khawvel pum huapa thil siam chhuah inzawmkhawm siam leh tihchangtlun a ni The barcode system provides value-added services to enterprise supply chain management tihchangtlun nan a member pawl hrang hrangte chu khawvel hmun hrang hrangah an awm a ni. EAN-13 barcode hi supermarket leh retail industry dangteah hman a ni ber. | EAN-13 barcode leh UPC-A barcode hi eng nge an danglamna? | EAN-13 barcode hian UPC-A barcode aiin ram/region code pakhat a nei tam zawk Dik tak chuan UPC-A barcode hi EAN-13 barcode special case anga ngaih theih a ni a, chu chu digit hmasa ber a ni EAN-13 barcode chu 0 ah dah a ni. EAN-13 barcode hi International Article Numbering Center siam a ni a, khawvel pumah hman a ni Code sei zawng hi digit 13 a ni a, digit hmasa pahnih hian ram emaw region code emaw a tarlang a ni. UPC-A barcode hi United States Uniform Code Committee siam a ni a, United States leh Canada-ah te hman a ni ber a, code sei zawng hi digit 12 a ni a, digit hmasa ber hian numeric system code a tarlang bawk. EAN-13 barcode leh UPC-A barcode te hian structure leh verification method inang an nei a, an hmel pawh a inang vek bawk. EAN-13 barcode hi UPC-A barcode superset a ni a, UPC-A barcode nen a inmil hle. UPC code ka neih chuan EAN dil ka la ngai em? A tul lo.UPC leh EAN te hian bungrua an hre thei a, a hmasa zawk hi United States atanga lo chhuak ni mahse, khawvel pum huap GS1 system-a tel a nih avangin GS1 organization hnuaia UPC i register chuan khawvel pumah hman theih a ni. UPC-A barcode hi 0 prepending hmangin EAN-13 barcode ah kan chantir thei a, entirnan, UPC-A barcode (012345678905) atana EAN-13 barcode inmil chu (0012345678905) a ni UPC-A barcode hmanga siam a ni. |
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